Live Beer Blogging at the European Beer Bloggers Conference 2012

Note: This was written live as the presentation was happening and posted as soon as it finished so I apologise for any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors.
Taste 10 beers in 50 minutes.

Leeds Brewery Hellfire 5.2% pale gold ale, fruity slight floral smell, crisp clean citrus taste,very dry long finish

Cheese or fish & chips were suggested as good match

Otley Oxymoron 5.5% black IPA, roasty choc smell, citrus fruity but also dark roasty taste, smooth spicy fruity finish

Brains Dark 4.1% very dark brown dark mild, mild roasted smell, choc & mild berries taste, clean finish

Marble Earl Grey IPA 6.8% gold ale, floral Earl Grey tea smell, complex citrus floral taste, dry tannins finish

Roosters Baby-Faced Assassin 6.1% gold ale, tropical fruits smell, massive clean fruity taste, huge tropical fruity finish

Great Heck Stormin Norman 6.5% gold ale, mild citrus fruity smell, crisp strong bitter taste, very bitter dry finish

Slaters Top Totty 4% pale gold ale, crisp mild herbal smell, clean fresh mild citrus taste, clean lager-like finish

Camden Town USA Hells 4.6% pale gold lager, clean mild herbal smell, clean refreshing taste, big dry slight citrus peppery finish

Adnams Ghost Ship 4.5% gold ale,mild lemony smell, bittersweet tropical taste, bitter finish

Innis & Gunn Scottish Pale Ale 7% amber ale, vanilla citric smell, smooth vanilla fruity taste, long spicy finish


  1. Top marks for banging one out in the time allocated bud fnarr-fnarr :)

    Seriously though good skills, I could see you tapping away furiously as the event was going on, there was no way I could keep up so took the easy option and gave up lol..



  2. It was pretty mental but a lot of fun, I saw it as a challenge to see if I could manage it, had each beer posted live just before the next round, adding to the post as we went along.

    The iPad and Blogsy made it happen, without those fab tools it wouldn't have been possible.
