Looking forward to baron rating #EBBC12 ales

Last weekend I attended the European Beer Bloggers Conference 2012 (which I've blogged about quite a bit already) and quite a few of us had mentioned to each other to bring a bottle of something interesting to open there or swap, here are the absolute delights that I came home with:

  • Artisan American IPA - 5.6% American-style IPA, thanks to Simon aka @RealAleToday 
  • Bridgeport Hop Czar - 7.5% imperial IPA, thanks to @Tandleman
  • Broadford Damn Nation -  8.3% Belgian golden strong ale, thanks to @BroadfordBrewer
  • Brouwerij 't IJ IPA - 7% IPA, thanks to the Night of International Beers
  • Hardknott Rhetoric - 12.5% (approx) controversial ale, thanks to by @HardknottAlex
  • Marston's Marynka - 4% single hopped ale, thanks to Danny on the Marston's stand
  • Marston's Sovereign - 4% single hopped ale, thanks to Danny on the Marston's stand
  • Mohawk Extra IPA - 7.5% IPA,thanks to the Night of International Beers
  • Mohawk Summer IPA - 6.8% IPA,thanks to the Night of International Beers
  • Off Beat Far Out Stout - 7.4% whisky stout, thanks to @Filrd
  • Vibrant Forest Black Oktober - 7.2% Imperial Russian Stout, thanks to @mrdavidj
  • Williams Bros Double Joker IPA - 8% double IPA, thanks to Chris from @WilliamsBrewery
Sharp's new Connoisseurs Choice range

Sharp's Connoisseurs Choice Range
  • No. 1 Quadrupel Ale - 10% dark ruby ale, aroma of perfumed alcoholic fruit. A full bittersweet fruitiness leads to a warming alcoholic finish
  • No. 2 Single Brew - 4.5% mid-golden ale,fresh herbal lemon aroma,light barley sugars give way to perfumed bitterness. The finish is dry, clean and exquisitely appetising.
  • No. 3 Honey Spice Tripel - 10% ale with an aroma of juicy citrus fruit and candyfloss,the flavour is a journey from rich fruity bitterness through to an appetisingly dry finish
I'm really looking forward to baron rating all of these, I have no idea how I managed to get them all home on the train, my arms were killing me by the time I got back! Thank you to everyone who handed something over and I hope you enjoyed the ones that I handed out too!


  1. Am impressed with your haul. Looking forward to the reviews too.

  2. To be honest I'm glad that I shared a set of the Sharps/Molson-Coors ales with Charlie from SIBA so that I could save the Sharp's ones for a time when my palette wasn't so exhausted.

    By the time that it got to the international beers session all I could taste was 'malty' or 'hoppy' rather than anything more detailed!
