Looking forward to baron rating Green Jack Albion Mild & Lurcher Stout

Green Jack Brewery have very recently started bottling their Albion Mild and suggested that some should be sent through for a baron rating.

I've been very impressed with the previous Green Jack bottles that I've been sent, so I'm really looking forward to trying this one.

They also sent through a big 750ml bottle of their Lurcher Stout which has been out for a while but hasn't been baron rated yet. I know that Chris will be particularly pleased as he is my stout advisor as he loves the dark side:

Green Jack Brewery
  • Albion Mild - 3.8% full bodied mild,sweet & malty with a dry finish
  • Lurcher Stout - 4.8% stout, fruity, chocolaty, rich and fulsome, well-balanced with hops, yet so smooth
One nice thing with Green Jack bottles is the painted artwork on the labels, I think they are all painted by the same person and I love the detailed images,they make the bottles quite unique.

Look out for baron ratings for these Green Jack Brewery beers soon, and a big thank you to Martin (@GreenJackBrew) for sending them through to me!

Buy Green Jack ales direct


  1. I'm pretty confident you'll like Lurcher Stout - beautiful and smooth, just like Green Jack's other bottle conditioned beers.

  2. Olsta, thanks for the comment, I think we will like it too, we've enjoyed all their other beers.

    Look out for the audio review in the future...
