Looking forward to baron rating Flat Cap Ted

Flat Cap Beers have arrived on the beer scene from no where with very little information about them and their background available. Their website is a touch more than a holding page but they do have a presence on Facebook and on Twitter.

They got in touch with me recently to see if I would like to try their first bottled ale - Ted:

Flat Cap Beers
  • Ted - 5% British pale ale, light yet full flavour beer with a 'triffic hoppy body,refreshing citrus aroma and long sharp, bitter finish

I must make a mention of the packaging that they used to send the bottle through to me, it's this polystyrene tube which holds the beer which was then inside a thick cardboard box - there was no way this bottle was getting broken in the post!

Look out for a 'baron rating' for this  Flat Cap beer soon, and a big thank you to @FlatCapBeers for sending it through to me!


  1. they dont actually brew beer they get others to brew it then rebadge it. its a beer brand.with about 900 brewers brewing and selling the stuff they created.do we need TED? CHEERS JOHN

  2. Just to set record straight - the recipe for TED is unique and created by Paul Buttrick for Flat Cap Beers. Surely the fact that it is brewed by another brewery should not matter - it is the taste & quality that does ( was this same criticism levelled at Mikkeller & Samuel Adams? ). Of course the question of whether we need more beers/breweries is a different one and I'm sure lots of people in the industry would like to answer that! Thanks. Andy at Flat Cap Beers.

  3. yes the same criticism can be levelled at mikkeller.when your bottled beer arrives in London pubs it will probably sell for about £3.95thats nearly £8 a pint for a beer brewed where.if it says which brewery it is brewed by no problem i will try it. thanks for your reply. cheers john

  4. John, I can see where you are coming from with your comments but I'm confused by the £8/pint comment, could you explain?

  5. Why didn't you say! Brewed by the Salisbury Brewery in Wiltshire ( sometimes the brewery does not want to be on the label ). Have no idea what it will sell for in London but we won't sell much at that price!! Do get in touch if you any questions - andy@flatcapbeers.com. I will be leaning very hard on our web guy to get the website more operational this week as there will be lots more info there. Thanks. Andy

  6. I think the difference is Mikkeller creates the recipe and sometimes someone else brews it. He is a brewer at heart not a marketing or branding guy.
