Looking forward to trying Paganum Yorkshire Chorizo

Whilst at the European Beer Bloggers Conference last month, Chris and I made friends with Chris Wildman, a great guy who we found out over the course of the Friday evening runs an online farmers market called Paganum.

The Wildmans have been Yorkshire butchers since the mid 1800s(!) and their website, Paganum.co.uk hosts an impressive selection of varied meats as well as cookery courses, books and gift vouchers. They will also happily deliver to anywhere in the UK (including the highlands and islands) which I find quite impressive considering it's raw meat. Chris told us that they often use lambs wool as the insulation as it's heat retention (and therefore cold retention) is miles superior to man-made products and is eco-friendly too!

One of their specialities is Yorkshire Chorizo - a fully cured sausage containing British Pork & made in North Yorkshire, and Chris sent a through the two varieties that they offer to see what we thought:

Paganum's Yorkshire Chorizo
  • Original - made from British pork & the finest smoked Spanish Paprika
  • Picante -  made from British pork & the finest smoked Spanish Paprika with added cayenne pepper for an extra spicy flavour
Both of these Chorizo sausages are made from only the best cuts of British RSPCA Freedom Food Pork and cured for a minimum of three weeks

I can't wait for our next audio baron rating session with @Christopher_R when I'll open these Yorkshire Chorizo sausages and give them a test out alongside some fine ales.

Thank you to Chris Wildman (@cwildman) from Paganum for sending these through!

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