Stringers West Coast Blond

Not bottle conditioned
Stringers West Coast Blond [baron rating 5/5] - 4.4% gold ale,light floral tangerine smell,citrus spicy bitter taste,pithy citrus finish
Listen to what Chris and the Baron have to say about it

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Thank you to Jon (@StringersBeer) from Stringers for handing this over for a baron rating!

Buy Stringers ales from Source Deli

Based on what we describe in the audio should Stringers make this part of their line-up? I spoke to Jon after we reviewed this beer and he said that they are not sure whether they should turn this trial beer into a regular bottled beer. He asked "Is there a need for yet another golden beer?".

I'm interested in your opinion if you would be kind enough to share it in the comments below?


  1. If it's an excellent beer it should be a regular beer! It would make a good motto that!

  2. Sounds like Thornbridge;) If its at all similar then yes, bottle it.

  3. Cheers chaps for commenting, I would definitely buy it, I consider it up against the likes of Thornbridge Wild Swan or Hawkshead Lakeland Gold - it's that kind of golden beer (got a good hop presence).
