Looking forward to baron rating Ship In A Bottle ales

The Ship In A Bottle is a specialist beer shop in Merseyside selling a range of over 400 products (mostly beer). They've stores in Heswall, West Kirby as well as Whitechapel, Liverpool.

They have a range of own-label beers available all of which are brewed by Liverpool Organic Brewery. I've a lot of respect for Karl at Liverpool Organic so I'm really looking forward to trying these bottles that the Ship In A Bottle sent through for review:

Snazzy looking bottles
Ship In A Bottle
  • American Pale Ale - 3.9% light citrus flavoured pale ale,bursting with American cascade hops
  • Best Bitter - 4.1% traditional brown bitter,malty & spicy flavoured with British Challenger & Golden(sic?) hops
  • Honey Brown Ale - 4.5% mid-bronze ale brewed with wild flower honey
Look out for baron ratings for these Ship In A Bottle beers soon, and a big thank you to @ShipinabottleWK for sending them through to me!


  1. Nice striking labels. Strange coincidence as I was just perusing their website!

  2. Yes the labels are bold but nicely done, looking forward to trying them. How funny you were on their website!

  3. Planning a trip to Liverpool in november for birthday (potential twissup?) But I think they followed me on Twitter recently too
