Salopian Black Ops

Bottle conditioned with perfect carbonation
Salopian Black Ops [baron rating 5/5] - 7.4% black ale,spicy green hop savoury herbs smell,oily choc roasted herbal taste,choc bitter finish
Listen to what Chris and the Baron have to say about it

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Thank you to Jake (@SalopianBrewery) from Salopian Brewery for sending this through for a baron rating!

Buy Salopian ales from Holborn Ales


  1. I asked Holborn Ales (through their Facebook page) for a price for a box (6 and 12) of strong darks, to include .e.g the Salopian and Dark Star and got no reply. I guess they're not set up for mail order? Cheers.

  2. No they don't do mail order I'm afraid, they are quite a small shop really (or rather don't have the staff or room to offer mail order yet).
